kisekae sets

Kisekae (KiSS) Dolls, are a fun computer paper doll game. Kisekae ningyou is a Japanese term that means to play dress-up with dolls. To view KiSS dolls you need to download a KiSS Player.

This Gambit KiSS Set was created by Lord Don and is available to download from his site. Just click on the link or image above.
This Rogue KiSS Set was created by Topleka and is available to download from her site. Just click on the link or image above.

All KiSS Dolls are copyrighted by their creators. You must get their permission to display dolls publicly.

| wallpaper | aim icons | minis | animated gifs | sounds | Kiss Sets |



| kisses | quotes | issues | downloads |

- extras -

| home | images | fiction | history |

| extras | links | community |