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Browse Stories By:

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- fan fiction -



When Rogue is awakened by a noise in the middle of the might Gambit learns a tough lesson the hard way.

"EX TENEBRIS, LUC!" - Karen Bruce

  • Confiteor: Seeing his grandchild, Jean-Luc is prompted to confess a sin that might be unforgivable.
  • The Cherry Coke Incident: When Luc steals some cookies from Ororo, Remy is disappointed of and afraid for his child.
  • Saturday Morning in Salem Center: Luc LeBeau has a secret that he fears will cost him his father's love.
  • The Cabbage Patch: Luc decides to take action about his undoubtedly evil baby sister.
  • The Sphinx's Question: Rogue asks Gambit the unanswerable question - "am I fat?"
  • Gotta Learn 'Em All: In order to have a sensible conversation with his son, Gambit tries to learn all 251 Pokemon!
  • Home Nursing: When Remy gets the cold from hell, who is going to look after him?

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